When I make a normal batch of cupcakes I always hide a few from my brothers and bring them into the few girls I work with in the shop. One day I was caught red handed by everyone else and they demanded I brink them in cupcakes also.
I have been toying around with my mint aero cupcake idea, (which has been very successful let me tell you) and I decided to make a huge batch of mint aero and vanilla cupcakes for all of the people I work with. 56 CUPCAKES, transporting them was a nightmare.
I actually got the peppermint essence from Avoca, it smells soooo yummy when you open the bottle. My fingers were very green after using the colouring, yet another reason i really need to invest in gel food colouring.
This picture makes me drool, i can promise you not a single drop of this icing was wasted.